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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a same-day appointment?

Same-day appointments are available for Acute Visits only. All other visits require completion of intake forms and may require getting records from other doctors. For availability or to request an appointment, visit the booking page.

Do you take insurance?

We do not take insurance payments. This helps us to focus on providing excellent care for you instead of paperwork.
If you would like to submit for insurance reimbursement, we can provide you with a superbill and receipt with diagnosis codes after your visit.
Depending on your insurance plan benefits, doctor-supervised weight loss services may be covered by your flexible or health spending account (FSA/HSA).
Patients are responsible for payment of all charges at the time of appointment.

Can Dr. Cook be my primary care provider?

While Dr. Cook's background is in primary and preventive care, in her current role, she does not function as a primary care provider. She encourages regular follow up and screenings as recommended by your primary care provider.
If you choose, she will communicate with your PCP to keep them up to date on clinical progress and ways they can help support you.

Do I have to be a certain weight to be seen?

No- whether you are looking to lose a few pounds or 100 lbs, we can customize a program to optimize your health.  Additionally, we work towards goals aside from weight loss, such as lowering medication requirements, increasing fitness, preparing for surgery, etc.

How do I cancel my appointment?

Please contact us as soon as you know you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment using the form on the Contact page. Visits canceled less than 24 hours before scheduled time may be subject to a cancellation fee.

Do you have an office where I can see you?

For now, all visits are being done via telemedicine. This has allowed for great flexibility in scheduling and less time spent by patient in the office for visits. 
In the future, we plan to open up for in-person visits...stay tuned!

Are there any ages or patients that you don't see?

Dr. Cook is comfortable seeing patients of all ages and stages- from young children with parents trying to develop healthier habits to older adults looking to improve chronic conditions.
Women who are pregnant should have clearance from their OB to participate in our program, which focuses on wellness and avoiding excess weight gain during pregnancy. After delivery, your goals may include returning to pre-pregnancy weight, adequate nutrition for breastfeeding and/or normalizing blood sugars after gestational diabetes.

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